(Test)Teaching Network Science to High School Students

In the recent years, a lot of effort went into outreach events, in particular for science and mathematics. Here, I am going to mention a summer course on Network Science which I organized and taught together with Benjamin F. Maier from the Humboldt University Berlin.

The course was part of an established German summer school called Deutsche Schülerakademie (German Pupils Academy), an extracurricular event for highly motivated pupils. It lasts sixteen days and the participants join one of six courses, which cover all ranges of academic disciplines, from philosophy over music to science.  

Our course was titled Netzwerke und Komplexe Systeme (Networks and Complex Systems) and rather than going too much in depth in one particular area we covered a broad selection of topics, as we wanted to give students an overview and also an idea of how different disciplines approach complex phenomena. We discussed pure Mathematics topics as the colouring of graphs, algorithmic discussions as the travelling salesman problem, social network analysis, computational neuroscience, dynamical systems, and fractals.






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